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September 26, 2023 0 Comments

Voting Period for Enterprise Agreement

When it comes to enterprise agreements, the voting period is a crucial step in the negotiation process. During this time, employees have the opportunity to vote on whether or not they accept the proposed agreement. In this article, we’ll break down what the voting period entails and what employees should consider before casting their vote.

What is the voting period?

The voting period is the time when employees have the opportunity to vote on whether or not they accept the proposed enterprise agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for the employees covered by the agreement.

The voting period typically lasts for a minimum of seven days, but it can be longer, depending on the agreement. During this time, employees can vote either in person or by using a postal or electronic ballot.

What should employees consider before voting?

Before casting their vote, employees should carefully review the proposed enterprise agreement and consider how it will affect them. Some of the key factors to consider include:

1. Wages and benefits – Check whether the proposed agreement includes any changes to your wages or benefits, and whether these changes are acceptable to you.

2. Working hours – Look at whether any changes are being proposed to your working hours. Will this impact your work-life balance or other commitments?

3. Leave entitlements – Review any proposed changes to your leave entitlements, such as annual leave, sick leave, or parental leave.

4. Job security – Consider whether the proposed agreement includes any changes that could affect your job security, such as outsourcing or redundancies.

5. Workplace policies – Check whether any changes are being proposed to workplace policies, such as anti-bullying and harassment policies, and whether these changes are acceptable to you.

6. Overall fairness – Consider whether the proposed agreement overall is fair and reasonable, and whether it aligns with your values and expectations as an employee.

It’s important to note that if the majority of employees covered by the agreement vote in favour of accepting the proposed agreement, it will come into effect. If the majority of employees vote against it, negotiations will need to continue until a new agreement is reached.

In conclusion

The voting period for enterprise agreements is a crucial step in the negotiation process. Employees should carefully review the proposed agreement and consider how it will impact them before casting their vote. By doing so, they’ll be able to ensure that the agreement is fair and will provide them with the conditions of employment that they need and want.